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Cornwall to Miami

Cornwall to Miami.

We started exporting some of our Cornish daffodils to Jolo Flowers (located in Miami) in January 2018 and we've carried on sending to them each daffodil season since!

Our daffodils are cleaned and packaged up into boxes here on our farm in Cornwall. They then get inspected by officials to make sure no unwanted bugs are travelling abroad as well... The same day they get collected by a refrigerated lorry and taken to London where they are flown across to Miami. The travel time for the daffodils from Cornwall to Miami is roughly 24 hours!

We've had some lovely feedback and cards sent to us from customers in Chicago, Texas, New York, Alabama, Pennsylvania and all around the United States -who have been able to pick up bunches of Cornish daffodils in their local supermarket. It is great to hear that our Cornish daffodils are looking beautiful and are bringing a smile to people's faces all the way across the ocean! It's amazing that they arrive looking so fresh and vibrant still.

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